Networks and Currencies

Learn more about what networks and currencies are used by debitllama

DebitLlama was created for Tron Grand Hackathon Season 5 and supports BitTorrent.

More networks will be added in 2024!

BTT Mainnet



Contract addresses:

  Virtual accounts:  "0xc4Cf42D5a6F4F061cf5F98d0338FC5913b6fF581",
  Connected wallets : "0xF9962f3C23De4e864E56ef29125D460c785905c6",

Selectable currencies:

When creating an item, you must use one of these objects in the API else you will encounter an error!

  name: "BTT",
  native: true,
  contractAddress: "",
  name: "USDD_t",
  native: false,
  contractAddress: "0x17F235FD5974318E4E2a5e37919a209f7c37A6d1",
  name: "USDT_e",
  native: false,
  contractAddress: "0xE887512ab8BC60BcC9224e1c3b5Be68E26048B8B",

BTT Testnet


  BTT_TESTNET_ID = "0x405",

Contract Addresses:

Virtual Accounts : "0xF75515Df5AC843a8B261E232bB890dc2F75A4066",
Connected Wallets : "0x9c85da9E45126Fd45BC62656026A2E7226bba239" 

Selectable currencies:

  name: "BTT",
  native: true,
  contractAddress: "",
  name: "USDTM",
  native: false,
  contractAddress: "0x4420a4415033bd22393d3A918EF8d2c9c62efD99",

The USDTM is a testnet token you can mint using the UI to try out the applicaiton for Free!!

Last updated